Rabu, 22 Juni 2022

Konsep Marketing Public Relations (MPR) : Definisi dan Peran Marketing Public Relations

The practice is open-ended when it comes to the principle that people should not be tempted to do so, and that they should be able to express themselves in a timely manner and at the same time, in the right way and at the right time. Пада хапоха globalisasi ini peran Маркетинг Связи с общественностью menjadi semakin penting karena itikad baik (Goodwill)
Public Relations Marketing ( MPR ) . When it comes to communication that is active and comprehensible when it comes to advertising, MPR does not have the concept or concept that comes with advertising. MPR has led to the implementation of some aspects of the implementation of the agreement (Saka Abadi, 1994: 46)
Menurut Thomas L. Harris, pencetus pertama in Concept Marketing Public Relations Marketing Guide to Public Relations Marketing is a process of planning and evaluating programs through marketing that promotes purchases and customer-centric communications that identify companies և them. products with customer needs and concerns. ”
The process of Marketing Public Relations (MPR) is interrupted by both the pingwal program and the pingwal program. (Ruslan, 2002: 253)
Bemarking Openbare Betrekkinge sebagai suatu process perencanaan, pelakasanaan dan pengevaluasian syllabus yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembelian dan pemuasan consumeren melalui communication i baik mengai information from perusahaan terhadap citra merek (Handelhentamer) (46)
Philip Kotler says: "PR marketing works because it works, it adds value to the product due to its unique ability to give credibility to the product message."
Public relations marketing has a public relations և membership that has a unique product with a unique product (Ruslan, 2002, p. 254).

Peran Marketing Public Relations
Peranan Marketing Public Relations will organize the following rules for Rosadi Ruslan:
1. Menumbuhkembangkan kesadaran consumerenya terhadap produk yangtengah diluncurkan itu.
2. Do not over-consume consumed citra perusahaan or benefit (Advantage) atas produk yang ditawarkan / digunakan.
3. Mendorong enthusiasm (sales staff) through our sponsored article (ads) tenang kegunaan և manfaat suatu products.
4. In addition to promoting commercial, electronic media purchases և other products.
5. Committees for the management of consumer-affiliated files, terminus upaya mengatasi keluhan-keluhan (hantering van klagtes) and lain sebagainya demi tercapainya kepuasan pihak pelanggannya.
6. Membantu mengkampanyekan peluncuran produk-produk baru dan sekaligus mercenakan perubahan possi produk yang lama.
7. Mengkomunikasikan terus Conductus melalui Media Openbare Betrekkinge (Huis PR Journal) is active in the software-related program, as well as declassifying terracotta publishing.
8. Membina dan mempertahankan citra perusahaan atau produk baraang dan jasa, baik dari segi kuantitas maupun qualitas pelayanan yang diberikan kepada consumerenya.
9. Berupaya secara proaktif Dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian negativa yang mungkin akan muncul di masa mendatatang. (Ruslan, 2002, p. 262).

Bemarking Openbare Betrekkinge (MPR) is a process that enables, relaxes and rewinds software programming that allows you to quickly create and use consumer software (nesabah) through which you can create product-specific print impressions.
1. MPR brand awareness is one of the most important products (brand) և brand awareness (pengetahuan akan merek).
2. MPR dianggap potential "increase category usage" և "increase brand sales" with effective effect.
Dengan adanya MPR Dalam bebepa hal dianggap lebih hemat biaya bila dibandingkan dengan perusahaan memasukkan produknya melalui iklan. Lebih favorable century biaya means yang semakin meningkat.

Public Relations Marketing Menu Philip Kotler և Kevin Lane Keller (Kotler ել Keller, 2006: 553)
1. Publications
Companies rely heavily on published materials to reach and influence their target markets. These include annual reports, brochures, articles, corporate newsletters, magazines, audio-visual materials.
Perusahaan mempercayakan perluasan produk berdasarkan dari Publicasi ma untuk mempengaruhi dan menarik pembeli yang dituju. In the dictionary you can download the title, գրքույկ, աղբյուր, Ղուրան պերուսահան, in the audiovisual material.
2. Means of identification
Companies need a visual identity that is immediately recognizable to the public. Visual identification is provided through corporate logos, stationery, brochures, posters, business attire, business cards, buildings, uniforms, and dress codes.
Perushaaan perlu membuat identitas yan bisa diknal oleh masayarakat dengan mutah. Examples: Perusakhan-logo, alat-alat tulis, brochure, tanda, perusakhan-banadze!
3. Events
Companies can focus on new products or other company activities by organizing special events such as press conferences, seminars, retail stores, trade shows, exhibitions, contests, and birthdays that reach their target audience.
Perusahaan bisa menarik perhatian mengai produk baru ataupun kegiatan perusahaan dengan cara mengadakan acara khusus seperti wawancara, seminaar, pameran, kompetisi, kontes en ulang tahun dari barang itu supaya dapat menjangkau masyarakat lus.
4. News (Berite)
One of the primary tasks of the liaison staff is to find or create positive news about the company, its products, its employees, as well as to force the media to accept press releases, to attend press conferences.
Salah satu utangya utamanya ՀԱՍարակությանության կապ կապեր is located in order to get the most out of your work, produce, orang-orangnya or pegawainya, and use the tertiary media to get the most out of your Khadirerslurans perusaha.
5. Word (Pidat)
More and more business leaders are expected to answer media questions or speak at trade fairs or sales meetings, and this can improve a company's image.
Whenever possible you should have all four of these components in place for launch to maximize profits.
6. Staatsdiens (Berperan serta dalam aktivitas social)
Businesses can generate goodwill by donating money և time to good causes.
Perusahaan bisa membangun beeld positief yang dengan cara menyumbang uang atau waktu dalam hal-hal positiewe yang.
7. Sponsorship (written sponsor)
Businesses can advertise their brands ատիվ corporate name by sponsoring high quality sports և cultural events և opportunities.
Perushaaan bisa memasarkan barang merekan dengan mensponsor akara olah raga atu akara kebudayan yan bermanfaat bagi kelangsungan perusahaannya.

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